How to add Google Map widget to every single apartment page on BOOKLIU

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Booklium How to add Google Map widget to every single apartment page on BOOKLIU

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    Hello, my question is very simple and this option should be a default feature for this kind of template and business.

    I’m using booklium, and I need to have a field in the backend, while im creating a new accomodation, in order to insert the google map widget with the excact position of that flat.

    We manage a holidays flat rent business in our island, and we have several flats all around the island, so it’s mandatory to insert the google map position for the customers, in order to see where is located the flat.


    Hello Giovanni,

    Unfortunately, there is no such option in the theme/plugin by default. You may insert the map directly to the accommodation type description using one of the options described in this article.



    Hey Giovanni,
    Even I want to add maps, have a similar use case as yours.
    Were you able to find any relevant options for this?

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