How to add custom accomodation details?

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  • #1200698

    Hi there,

    I have a scenario similiar to VILLAGIO demo: Some Villas (accomodation types) with diffent rooms each (accomodations).

    I want to describe each accomodation in more detail:
    – add some images
    – add some custom attributes
    – assign specific rates/a specific price to it

    If you could give me some hints (coding examples are welcome) how to realize my task, this would be great.

    One important note:
    Custom details of accomodations should not break iCal – calendar synchronistaion with and other OTAs.

    Thanks a lot


    Hello Frank,

    Unfortunately, there is no option to configure accommodations, only accommodation types. If you would like to configure each property, you will need to create them as separate accommodation types, otherwise there is no option to achieve the desired result.
    Images, rates, attributes etc. can be only applied to accommodation types.


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