Hotel Booking plugin consuming all my hosting resources

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Hotel Booking plugin consuming all my hosting resources

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    Hello, I have been informed by my hosting provider (Siteground) that the Hotel Booking plugin is consuming all the resources of a rather generous server.

    The problem, specifically, is due to the number of requests made to the ‘admin-ajax.php’ script: – [15/Mar/2022:17:46:35 +0000] “POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=mphb_ical_sync&nonce=86f25ac985 HTTP/1.1” 499 0 “” “WordPress/5.9.2;” | TLSv1.3 | – 0.987 0.987 – 0 NC:000000 UP:-DT

    What can I do to limit requests from the plugin to admin-ajax.php?


    Valeriia Bavykina

    Hello Fede!

    To have less admin-ajax.php executions you might need to increase the Sync Interval via Accommodation ->Settings. It will allow performing synchronization less frequent and might help to decrease CPU usage. There might be a lot of sync logs stored in the database. The logs can be cleared with the Sync Calendar Status button at the top admin bar of the dashboard. Make sure “Automatically delete sync logs older than” option is set to “Week” or even more often.


    Hi there, thanks for your answer.

    I switched sync from hourly to daily a few days ago but the hosting is down again due to excess CPU usage. I’ve been checking the hosting statistics and there’re no variation in #programs executed & #cpu seconds after switching sync frecuency from hourly to daily.

    I’ve also cleared all sync logs when updating the sync frequency.

    This situation is untenable and I don’t know what else I can do.

    Thanks for your help

    Janina Weghorn

    I have the same problem. Did not know why I am exceeding data usage.
    I deleted all unnecessary folders and there is no change. I wonder if helps if I remove sync logs?
    If not I will have to remove all sync option since I’m not getting much action on my website. This over loading destroyed my traffic.
    Thanks for bringing it up, I could not figured what is going out.
    Can not do any updates, the server blocked me due to lack of data.

    Valeriia Bavykina

    Hello Fede!

    Using the latest version (4.2.2) of the Hotel booking plugin will definitely help. In this update we improved ical synchronization logs removal from the database.

    Valeriia Bavykina

    Hello Janina!

    Please update the plugin to the 4.2.2 version. It should make a difference. We are waiting for your feedback.


    Thanks Valerie, but unfortunately, I can’t.

    I bought the plugin as part of the Booklium template and the latest version of the ‘pack’ includes a version of the plugin prior to 4.2.2.

    Is there any alternative to your proposed solution?


    Valeriia Bavykina

    Hello Fede!

    You can purchase a separate license for the Hotel booking plugin and update the plugins of the theme independently.

    We do recommend purchasing a separate license as the Hotel booking is updated more frequently than the theme and you will always get the newest features and fixes.
    Note, there is a great offer for MotoPress users to have unlimited and free access to all the MotoPress products with the Membership package. Once becoming a MotoPress member, you will download any theme/plugin/addon you need and have priority support.


    Your answer does not make me happy, Valerie.

    When I bought the ‘Booklium’ theme licence with the plugin included, I was assured from the commercial help chat that it was exactly the same as buying the plugin licence only. Now it turns out that I have to pay twice for the same product, for the sole reason that one of them is updated more frequently than the other, i.e. they become, de facto, two totally different products:

    – The ‘individual plugin’: which supposedly fixes the reported problems.

    – The ’embedded’ (in Booklium) plugin’: which turns my website into a completely unusable tool.

    What is the reason why the plugin included in a theme cannot be updated as quickly as the individual plugin?


    J. Davis

    Hello Fede,

    Thank you for your reply. The version of the Hotel Booking plugin works correctly and performs all the claimed functionality. We will do update the version of the Hotel Booking plugin in a while. It takes more time and effort to add an updated version of the plugin to each booking theme.

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    Finally I bought another license (single plugin —no template)

    Let’s see if it sorts out this issue.


    J. Davis

    Hi Fede,

    Thank you for your reply. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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