Hotel booking and divi fail integration with wpml

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    Hi, in my site some errors appears after translate the pages using wpml+ divi+ hotel booking, the forms don’t keep inline just shown in vertical. Also some .css dissapear.

    Also a fatal error appears and maybe is because Hotel Booking & Divi Integration still not uptade to 5.8…


    Hello Carla,

    Looks like the issue is taken care of by one of our technical support agents in ticket #40873. I see you have asked about String Translations, and this is actually the only way to translate some strings, which are not translated to Catalan in the plugin. Perhaps, you should make sure to keep your language files in /wp-content/languages/ directory in order to avoid loosing performed changes after plugin updates.



    Hi, where can i find this: keep your language files in /wp-content/languages/ directory in order to avoid loosing performed changes after plugin updates. I don’t see the option inside WPML



    Hello Carla,

    Speaking about WPML, all the language files are kept under /wp-content/languages/wpml/ directory, so changes should not be affected by the WordPress or plugins updates.


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