Full Guest Name

  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 2 days ago by Sebahattin Enes Arslan.
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  • #656862


    i use the option “Full address fields are required for reservation”.

    As a result i have the form-fields “firstname” and “lastname”, netherthelesse the form-field “Full Guest Name” is displayed. Why? This form-field is not needed anymore.

    How can i hide it?

    Thanks in advance,

    best Regards



    Hi Manfredo,

    The following option ‘Full address fields are required for reservation’ add address fields and it is not related to ‘Full Guest Name’. As this field is optional you can hide it with code below:

    .mphb-guest-name-wrapper {
        display: none;

    best regards,


    Hi John, thank you! Best Regards


    Hi Manfredo,

    You are welcome šŸ˜‰ Note ā€˜Full Guest Nameā€™ filed can be useful if Guest name is different from name of person who pays for reservation.

    Best regards,


    I read many threads here with this same topic,
    to MPHB : you are doing good stuff but this should be out of the box.

    Also if the reason for postpone is
    <<Note ā€˜Full Guest Nameā€™ filed can be useful if Guest name is different from name of person who pays for reservation.>>
    Remember that to front end users who book this peculiar detail is not stated/clear , plus I think the default (90% of occurrences) should be that who books is the same who pay.

    For readers:
    If you are interested too for this to grow,
    REMEMBER to write here ā€œ+1ā€ or similar (as the function ā€œvote-upā€ is missing in this forum).


    Follow-up on “Full Guest Name” field removal:

    I see that this topic has been discussed multiple times, but there hasnā€™t been any official update in quite a while.

    The request remains the same: having an option to disable the Full Guest Name field directly from the settings instead of relying on CSS tweaks. While the reasoning behind keeping it is understandable (for cases where the guest differs from the payer), in realistic scenarios, >80% of the time, the booker and payer are the same. So why not make that the default and allow an opt-in checkbox for cases where they are different?

    This small change would streamline the booking process significantly – please donā€™t overlook it!

    Could we get an update on whether this is planned or considered for future versions? Users would appreciate having this as an optional setting.

    Additionally, the visibility of this thread might be low, as it seems to get lost among general support discussions rather than being in a dedicated section for feature improvements. If anyone else supports this request, please add a “+1” below so it gains more traction.

    Thanks in advance for any (useful) updates!



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