Feature Request: Booking Rules by Rate

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  • #1177269

    We can now override booking rules on the back end. Nice work. My manual version of it was two lines modified, so I imagine it was simple to implement.

    Next up: booking rules by rate. It is an obvious need. Should also be simple to implement.

    edit: now that I think about it, not so simple – as the rate is selected after the dates – only way to address with current flow is error message, or by only displaying rates that match the set rules for those dates.

    So, not so simple, but still highly desirable.


    Add to that request: Fees by Rate as well.

    Booking rules and fees by accommodation type are too restrictive. I need to create new accommodation types to assign to rates in order to be able to create rules by rate – BUT I do not want to add more accommodation types or split and redefine the ones we have configured.

    Booking rules by rate and Fees by rate (not just accommodation type) would be sweet.

    Just add a column of checkboxes for the rates in the rules and fees UIs. The booking logic will get tricky but this can work.

    Please! (when I have some time I might be able to throw together a modification/commit that would work)


    Hello there,

    Thank you for your suggestions and detailed description of the desired features. I will make sure to pass them to our developers for further consideration.


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