Expand mobile menu on text click, not on arrow click

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Booklium Expand mobile menu on text click, not on arrow click

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  • #1015786

    I am using a parent menu entry with submenu items. On a mobile device, this parent menu item only expands when clicking on the arrow.Is there any possibility of making the whole row / text clickable? So that wherever I click on that row, the dropdown menu expands?

    ive added some css:

    @media (max-width: 474px){
    body.site-boxed .main-navigation .submenu-toggle, body.site-wide .main-navigation .submenu-toggle {
        width: 100%;
    .submenu-toggle:before {
        float: right;
        padding-right: 10px;

    provisionally that do the trick but now the parent menu is not clickable any more on mobile.

    i think it needs some jquery function which do this:

    -first click on the text of the parent menu expand the drop down.
    -second click on the text of the parent menu open the link of the parent menu.

    how could that be realized with jquery?

    thank you and best Regards

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