Emails going to spam or not at all

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    I am looking to purchase, but only if I can get this resolved.

    When a customer places an order, they don’t get the email confirmation.

    Likewise, the order that goes to the admin, or the cooks, or whatever, goes straight to spam.

    I have added an exception, but if we have a lot of people using this, I don’t want to have to explain this every time.


    Hello Matthew,

    I would recommend you to set SMTP up at your WordPress. There are a lot of plugin that allows to enable it easily.

    Best regards,


    I have the same problem but adding an SMTP doesnt help and then the admin doesnt receive any email too.


    Hi Dionisis,

    We have replied at but I would duplicate the answer here:

    Email is sent to your client only after order status is changed (from Pending to Complete). In case of “Cash on delivery” method you will need to set Complete status manually and email will be sent after that. We’ll think about adding notification email for your clients to receive right after the order. Thank you.

    Best regards,


    Hello, I also have same problem, email to purchases (customer) are not being sent. Even after I manually completed the order.
    No emails??

    On the other hand, email to owner (restaurant / seller) are coming up pretty good and fast.

    Any pointers to look into this email issue ? At this moment I don’t want to use my SMTP (SendingBlue)

    Regards / VK


    Hi Vipul,

    That’s a kind of a different issue when the email is not delivered to the customer only. Could you try to use Gmail or Hotmail email address as customer’s one? I’d also recommend checking your customer email settings under Restaurant Menu > Settings

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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