Display Weeklong Availability

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  • #1445804


    I’ve got booking rules set up where the user must select a Saturday check in date, and a Saturday check out date for a minimum 7 night stay during our Summer season. With these rules in place, the booking calendar shows Monday through Friday as “unavailable” even though we do have vacancies, which is misleading to customers (as they see us as having no availability other than Saturday night).

    I would like to know if one of the following solutions is available:

    1) For summer weeks, other than individual days showing, can we show the full week as “available?” for instance, could the calendar be set up so that instated of selecting “Saturday, July 15th” as their ay of arrival, they would select “Week of July 15th – July 22nd?”
    2) is there a way to make the days unavailable to check in look “available?” For instance, although we don’t allow Monday check in, Monday would still show as “available” on the calendar?

    Thank you.



    Is your question related to the Hotel booking plugin or Appointment Booking as per the current forum? Could you also specify the theme that you use or provide the URL to the page where you would like to adjust the styles of the calendar?

    best regards,
    John Davis


    Hi John, thanks for the reply.

    Yes, our question is related to the Hotelbooking plugin, with the bookium theme.

    Our website is idlewildresort.com. We do have all the days available for check in, still, but we would like to have the full week show.



    Hi Amelia,

    Thanks for your reply. As far as I can see you have changed the calendar style via settings of the Hotel Booking plugin. The calendar is styled for the ‘Default’ style in the Booklium theme so it is recommended to navigate to Accommodation > Settings, find the Calendar Style option and select Default style. Save changes and check it again.

    best regards
    John Davis

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