Dimensions of featured image in Frontpage Slider and Pages

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Artwork Dimensions of featured image in Frontpage Slider and Pages

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  • #469408

    Hi, it’s a great looking theme. I am making a website for an artist who likes to work in very wide dimensions, e.g. 7360 x 2056. Unfortunately, the front page slider and the individual pages are not showing the image in its entirety, i.e. the sides of the images are cropped off. How can I change this? I would be willing to buy the pro version of the theme, but if this can’t be adjusted than it wouldn’t be worth it. Would appreciate your help.



    Hi Neeps,

    Would you like to full size image on Front page or at page of Work itself? Could you describe your request more detailed? You can email us screenshots, examples etc. We’ll try to find a solution for you.

    Best regards,


    Hi, Okay sure. I sent an email via the “submit a request” option and attached the screenshots.

    Thanks, Neeps

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