Default number in search combo (Attributs)

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  • #796278
    Jawhar Ben Fredj


    I’ve create two attributs : Adult and Child, and i would like to put in the search form default number adult: 1 and child: 0; (not like now adult:- and child: -)


    Stacy Lind

    Hi Jawhar,

    Could you give a link to the form where you need the pre-set?

    Jawhar Ben Fredj
    J. Davis

    Hello Jawhar,

    Thank you for clarification. You may try to override the following file


    to apply the first terms of attributes in the form by default. In order to make it properly and safe for updates of the plugin you need to copy the file and move its copy to the destination below:


    So you will need to add the folders hotel-booking\shortcodes\search\ inside of your active theme directory.
    Once the file search-form.php is moved properly you will need to open it with file editor, find the following line and remove it:

    <option value=""><?php _ex( '&mdash;', 'Not selected value in the search form.', 'motopress-hotel-booking' ); ?></option>

    Save the changes and go to preview your site.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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