Creating Role for Booking Manager – priority!

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Creating Role for Booking Manager – priority!

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  • #1167036

    Creating ability for adding Booking Manager Role should be on the top of list for developer of Motopress Hotel. It is absolutely ridiculous that this feature doesn’t exist and creates a lot of problems, zero choice to keep booking manager from full admin privileges. I saw some suggestions to install 2 additional plugins, but this class plugin should simply have this option. If you pay for the plugin, you should not be pushed to install more plugins on the top of it to make it work. Also, the other plugins cause problems and are incompatible most of the time with other aspects of websites. I had to uninstall them.
    Let me know if you are going to work on a solution.


    Hello Ania,

    Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated. We do have such a feature request and it is one of the top priorities for future plugin updates. I have added your up-vote to the request, once there are any updates I will let you know.



    We would very much appreciate custom roles to be assigned to Users, not Only “Booking Manager”. This would give us exact control on what parts different users can access.


    Hello Marcus,

    Thank you for your feedback, I will make sure to pass it to our developers.



    Hello there,

    We are delighted to let you know that we have just released the Hotel Booking plugin update v. 4.0.0 with the User Roles feature included. Two new user roles have been added to manage Hotel Booking in the dashboard: Hotel Manager and Hotel Worker. Please note that in case you have assigned the Editor role to some users previously, you will need to change their role to Hotel Manager one, as they will loose access to the Hotel Booking after update.
    Also note that you will need to update Hotel Booking add-ons to the latest versions in order for them to be adjusted to the User Roles feature.
    You may also use some free user roles editor plugins in order to configure each role per your desire or even create a new role with specific capabilities, e.g. free Members plugin.


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