Could not find MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Villagio Could not find MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin

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    In the Villagio theme guide, it is described as the theme is integrated with MotoPress Hotel Booking Plugin. Please, can you tell me where can I find Hotel Booking plugin?

    Also, is the theme compatible with Woocommerce Bookings plugin?

    And, how can I insert the Search form as present in demo website on Home Page? Is there any widget or Shortcode available for this?



    Hi Marisa,

    Hotel Booking plugin is really built into Villagio theme and it is suggested for installation once you activate Villagio on your WordPress.

    If you wonder where to get the plugin files inside the theme package so you can check /villagio/assets folder.

    We did not have a chance to test theme with other booking plugin. However theme is WooCommerce ready.

    You should simply add [mphb_availability_search] shortcode to the Front Page to get a search form. You can find all available shortcodes under Dashboard>Accommodation>Shortcodes

    best regards,


    I can’t even find my .zip file that I was supposed to get once I bought the product. I’m fuming! I’ve spent all day trying to install Villagio into wordpress but can’t do a damn thing because there is no .zip file. I’ve done everything else it’s said to do but there is NO VILLAGIO under my themes!!!! Fuming!


    Hi Anita,

    We are sorry for inconveniences we have already found out that it was because of mac OS and safari browser where archive is unzipped automatically. We’ll update our documentation to notify customer about this possible point.

    best regards,

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