skip search results step and filled-in number of adults and children automatically

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking skip search results step and filled-in number of adults and children automatically

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by J. Davis.
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  • #1490183
    Galega de Software Especializado slu – B27331230

    On my website, under the “Casa do Grilo” menu, there is a search form to find an available reservation date for this house. When I fill in the number of adults and children and perform the search, I am redirected to a search results page and then to a reservation details page before reaching the checkout. My question is how can I skip all these steps and go directly to the checkout. Another issue I would like to address is having the filled-in number of adults and children automatically appear in the reservation details.

    J. Davis

    Hello Bruno,

    Thanks for contacting us. You may navigate to Accommodation > Settings and enable the Skip Search Results option. After that navigate to the page Casa do Grilo and add [mphb_availability id=”2125″] or HB Booking Form module if you use the Divi Integration addon (2125 is the id of the accommodation type). Thus the visitors will skip the step of the search results option and will be able to proceed to checkout from the page Casa do Grilo.
    As for your other question so we have this request in our list of features. We will notify you when we have any news on this.

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