Check in on next day after check out

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  • #793768

    How to I can set Check in on next day after check out? It`s possible?
    For example: First guest check out 12.05.2019 and next guest can check in only from 12.05.2019

    In settings i see only hours 🙁


    Hi Yurii,

    MotoPress Hotel Booking does not have such an option. As a workaround, add the following to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

    .mphb-check-in-datepick .mphb-date-check-out.mphb-date-selectable {
        pointer-events: none;
        color: #9f9f9f !important;
        text-decoration: line-through;

    It will make the checkout date unselectable in [mphb_availability] and on accommodation type pages if the option Skip Search Results is enabled (Accommodation > Settings).



    We are excited to announce the release of the new Hotel Booking 3.9.0 version, where we have added the ability to set the Booking Buffer option. Moreover, it is possible to set an Advance Reservation (the minimum number of days allowed before booking and the maximum number of days available for future bookings). We know that you were waiting for this feature, so our developers did their best to represent the improvements for you and your business.
    If you got a plugin inbuilt into the theme, you might wait until the theme is updated to get a new version of the plugin or purchase a Hotel Booking license separately to get immediate updates Right now, you have a unique opportunity to buy all our plugins, themes, and membership plans with 40% OFF. Keep in mind that the proposition is time-limited! Don’t want to miss out? Use this code at the checkout: BF2020. Note that the discount code is valid till December 1.

    Thank you for choosing Motopress!

    J. Davis

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