Change language from English to Norwegian?

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    Is there anyone who can help me to change language. I’m trying to add the .mo file to /wp-content/languages/motopress-hotel-booking/motopress-hotel-booking-{lang}_{country}.mo but it’s still English.
    And the name of the file is
    I have also tried POeditor with the same result.
    Which language file uses booking by default?.

    The website is of course set to Norwegian πŸ™‚



    Hello Frank,

    I would recommend that you use the Loco Translate plugin, which automatically creates .mo and .po files for the chosen language in the selected directory. You will be able to translate the plugin easily right in your WordPress dashboard.
    Check this article with an example on how it works.



    Thanks for your reply πŸ™‚
    The problem was that i used no_NO not nb_NO at the end of the MO-file πŸ˜›
    Loco Translate was helping me see that.

    Now it works perfectly.


    Hello Frank,

    You are most welcome. I am glad that the issue is resolved now πŸ™‚
    It would be very much appreciated if you leave your positive feedback about the Hotel Booking plugin at:


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