Change elements order in div mp_menu_item

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  • #496549
    Massimo Cinquini

    Good morning,
    I wanted to know if there is a way to change the order of the elements (image, title, price, attributes etc …) contained within each individual product products displayed in a grid (with the shortcode [mprm_items] or a single category page or a single tag page)?
    I can change the html/php of individual elements (image, title, price, attributes etc …), but do not understand what is the php file that decides the order in which they displayed in the div with class “mp_menu_item”.
    I installed the plugin: Restaurant Menu Restaurant Menu + Cart + Restaurant Delivery Menu
    Thank you
    Massimo Cinquini

    J. Davis

    Hello Massimo,

    You can find the order of elements at /mp-restaurant-menu/classes/class-hooks.php file. In order to modify the order you need to edit the priority value. For example to place title above image you need to remove action with default priority and add it with new one. For example:

    remove_action('mprm_shortcode_menu_item_grid', 'mprm_menu_item_grid_title', 30);
    add_action ('mprm_shortcode_menu_item_grid', 'mprm_menu_item_grid_title', 10);

    You can add this code to functions.php file of your theme.

    Best regards,

    Massimo Cinquini

    Thank you very much John.
    Best regards,

    J. Davis

    Hi Massimo,

    You are welcome. Check out other products at our website , follow us at facebook and twitter.

    Best regards,

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