How to center calendar and search form on page?

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    I am using calendar + form on a standard page , i cannot find a way to center those 2 elements properly on the for desktop ( it s a test site )

    Plus in the admin, when i place the calendar, as soon as i set an accommodation id to narrow the search, it just desappear

    would anyone have any idea ?


    Hi Olivier,

    You may try to ally the following style to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

    .wp-block-getwid-section__inner-content * {
    margin: auto;

    There is no calendar preview on the back-end so that’s why it is displayed as a thin line element. However, it should look correctly on the front-end.

    best regards
    J. Davis



    thanks for your answer . It does not work. Wekk actually it works too well, it applies to almost all the blocks on the site


    Hi Olivier,

    Thanks for your reply. You may add any custom name of the class to this section that includes form and calendar e.g. custom-center-align-section. Then you may add this class to the style that I’ve sent to make it work for sections where this class is applied:

    .custom-center-align-section .wp-block-getwid-section__inner-content * {
    margin: auto;

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    hello, tks, i ll try this

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