Caroussel not working on single rental page

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    I’ve updated the php version, and since then, the caroussel on single rental page doesn’t work anymore. I also have some other issues on these pages.

    I’ve deactivated all plugins, but it doesn’t change anything.

    Could you help me please?




    Hi Sophie,

    Thanks for your question. We could not replicate the issue with a gallery on a single property page with any PHP version from 7.6 and newer. Could you please specify what exact version is installed on your server? Could you provide a link to your accommodation-type page?

    best regards,
    John Davis


    Hi John,
    Thank you so much for your reply.
    The php version is 8.1
    here is the link of one our accomodation.
    As you can see I have bug with the carousel slide, gallery images in the content and bug with left margin.

    Thanks 🙂


    Hi Sophie,

    Thanks for your question. Please try to navigate to Accommodation > Settings and select Theme mode instead of Developer mode and save the changes.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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