Can i modify the ID of [mphb_availability] because double ID

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Villagio Can i modify the ID of [mphb_availability] because double ID

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  • #1433629
    Folio Mikael

    is it possible to modify the id of the form generated by [mphb_availability] (ex: [mphb_availability id=”663″ class=”hebergement6632″]. My problem is the following; I put a shortcode at the beginning of my page and another shortcode at the end of the page. In terms of display it’s very good but there is a problem, I end up with the same ID twice in the page (in the example the form takes the id booking-form-663 at the top and bottom of the page

    Is there a solution?

    Thanks in advance

    J. Davis

    Hi Folio,

    Actually, it is possible to add as many forms with different IDs as you need and they should work independently. For example, you may use the shortcodes
    [mphb_availability id=”333″ class=”hebergement6632″]
    [mphb_availability id=”777″ class=”hebergement6632″]
    [mphb_availability id=”999″ class=”hebergement6632″]
    Each shortcode should display the form and availability of the specific accommodation type.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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