Can I modify the CSS of the Hotel booking plugin in my theme?

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Can I modify the CSS of the Hotel booking plugin in my theme?

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    For example, in shortcodes/search/search-form.php, the following code is present:

    <form method="GET" class="mphb_sc_search-form" action="<?php echo esc_attr( $action ); ?>">
    	<p class="mphb_sc_search-check-in-date"> 

    To use .mphb_sc_search-form or p.mphb_sc_search-check-in-date in my theme’s style.css, should I copy shortcodes/search/search-form.php to my theme? Will these CSS names be changed in future updates of the Hotel booking plugin? Ideally, I don’t want to copy template files to my theme, is it recommended for the above scenario?



    Hello Matthew,

    When it comes to CSS, there is no need to copy plugin template files to your theme, you may add CSS directly under Appearance ->Customize ->Additional CSS.



    Thanks for the reply, Andre.

    So the names of css classes in the Hotel booking plugin, won’t change in future updates of the plugin? I can make modifications to the CSS in my style.css, without copying over template files?

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