Bunkhouses where beds can be booked "by the bed"

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    We have a 3 room bunkhouse where each room sleeps 10 people. The beds can be booked individually, so one group could for example book 4 beds in a room and a completely different group may book some or all of the other 6 beds in that same room.

    The way it is set up at the moment, once the first 4 beds have been booked, the other 6 become unavailable for those dates.

    Do I need to create an accommodation type for each bed, or is there a better way?

    Thanks for any advice.


    Hello Chris,

    You may add a room as Accommodation type and specify that you rent out beds in this room. You can do this somewhere in the title or description of accommodation type. Then generate 10 accommodations for this type to make it possible to book 10 beds in this room.

    Or you may add each bed as accommodation type with 1 accommodation to make it possible to book beds as separate accommodation types.

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    OK the way I have done it is to create an accommodation type for each of the 3 rooms I have.

    Then I have created an accommodation for each bed, so it can be booked separately.

    I have created an adult price of 20 GBP and a child price of 10 GBP. (separate rates not variable rates)

    The problem is that when the bullet point for the child’s rate is selected, the price does not change to the lower rate and the adult’s rate is charged.

    Furthermore the “Book Now” button at the bottom does not do anything, when it is clicked on.


    And what does “Adults Number is not Valid” mean? It sometimes says that at the bottom of the checkout page. If I refresh the page, it goes.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Chris Smith.

    This thread can be closed. Amazing support from Stacy and the problem is solved.


    Hi I am receiving the same issue, Adults number not valid and then gives me the rate for 6 people instead of two or three


    Hello Albertus,

    You should make sure to select the number of guests first, so the error disappears and to see the rate for actual number of selected guests, as by default the rate is displayed for the maximum available number of guests.


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