Booking ID numbers different to payment numbers

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Booking ID numbers different to payment numbers

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    Hi – Currently when someone makes a booking they get an ID number – when they pay the system generates a different payment ID number – how can we make these numbers the same? I previously asked this on here and was told it was a WordPress issue – so I posted on a forum who said it was a MotoPress issue!
    Can someone please just tell me how to fix this – we are not wanting to buy yet another motopress plugin as have already bought 4 of those!


    Hello Fiona,

    This does not appear to be a WordPress issue but the way WordPress CMS functions by default. Each instance in the Hotel Booking plugin is created as a custom post type, therefore, ID’s for them are generated automatically by WordPress. And as you know you can not have two different posts/instances with the same ID in WordPress, each of them has a unique ID generated and assigned to them
    There is nothing we can do about it, unfortunately.


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