Book button doesnt work | Elementor

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  • #1167063

    Hi Everybody,

    I have made my accomodation type with elementor and none of the buttons that i add through the motopress hotel booking widget work. I have the book button from single accomodation that has the ID, I have the accomodation types book button that doesnt work. The workflow that i want is you search on the homepage for availability, you get a room, press on view details and then you can press a button to book the room > booking confirmation Is this not possible?

    If i make the button in elementor what link do i need to put it for example to book ID: 360?

    I made a ticket with support but i only get a single reply after 20 hours avoiding my questions. telling me to make my buttons in elementor and add a link.

    Thanks in advance


    Hello Robin,

    Kindly provide me with the URL to an example page and specify what button you would like to link to what accommodation booking form, I will take a closer look at it.



    Hi Andre,

    Here you can walk through the booking progress. The book button in search results does work, the book button on the detail page of the room doesn’t. I have tried to make it work with a couple different buttons. Hopefully you can help me out.


    Hello Robin,

    The Book button added to your accommodation type page will not work like this, as the availability must be checked first. If you would like your guests to be able to check availability and book an accommodation directly from accommodation type page, you should enable Direct Booking in plugin settings:
    Let me know if this works for you.


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