Better access to sync errors on sync log page or via notification

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Better access to sync errors on sync log page or via notification

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by J. Davis.
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  • #1427138
    BuenVivir Casa

    I find it very difficult to get aware of errors in the automated sync process:
    The sync status information page displays errors from the sync logs, but if you have several accomodations with a short sync interval the list gets very long (serveral thousand entries) and there is no option to search for log entries with errors nor to sort the list according to entries in the error column.This would be a very helpful improvement in future releases.

    I would even prefer an email notification in case that sync errors occur. But this might be a bigger effort.

    J. Davis


    Thanks for your feedback. I’ve added it to our list of features. We will notify you if we have any news.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Domaine Langelet

    I would really need a way to get notified of errors.

    Additionnaly, it would be really helpful to choose what happens in case of errors: keep accomodation available or close it by security. Due to Airbnb “merging” of events, it has already happenned that the plugin re-opended dates and this leaded to a double booking for the same accomodation at the same date..

    J. Davis

    Thanks for your feedback.

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