Availability Calendar colors for free and reserved days

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Availability Calendar colors for free and reserved days

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  • #1198126


    how can I change for the Availability Calendar the background color and text color for free and reserved days?

    Thank you


    I used this code and now it looks better πŸ™‚

    .mphb-datepick-popup .datepick-month td .mphb-later-max-date ,
    .datepick-popup .mphb-datepick-popup .datepick-month td .mphb-earlier-min-date,
    .datepick-popup .mphb-datepick-popup .datepick-month td .mphb-past-date,
    .mphb-calendar.mphb-datepick .datepick-month td .mphb-past-date{
    background : #c1b086 !important;
    color: #fff !important;


    Hello Felizia,

    Thank you for sharing your insights, it is much appreciated πŸ™‚
    Let me know if the colors still require improvement.


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