Adding custom attributes to accommodation

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    I’m currently customizing my homepage and I like the way details are displayed (like number + icon).

    My goal is to display an additionnal info (namely nb of rooms in the villa), which I get through ACF in the way it is displayed for capacity and size on the homepage (accommodation types) and search results. Any idea how to proceed? I imagine I will have to create an additionnal attribute in loop-room-type folder but I don’t know the details.

    Another problem I face is that the code [mphb_total_capacity] and [mphb_size] don’t work on my website. Would you know where it can come from?

    Many thanks



    Hello Martin,

    Such changes would require custom development, which is beyond our support scope, unfortunately.
    As for the [mphb_total_capacity] and [mphb_size], there are no such shortcodes in the plugin, capacity and size are added as functions in the loop-room-type-view.php file under /wp-content/plugins/motopress-hotel-booking/includes/views/ directory.


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