Accommodation-specific attributes

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    I’m setting up a campground reservation site and would like implement the following. I would like to add an attribute for “Walk to Bathhouse” to each accommodation. So far it looks like attributes can only be assigned to “Accommodation Types.” I would like to do something similar with our RV sites. I would like to have an attribute for each specific RV accommodation about whether it has 30AMP or 50AMP hookups.



    Hello Beverly,

    Unfortunately, there is no option to assign attributes to accommodations, only to accommodation types. As an alternative you may group your accommodations under accommodation types with 30AMP and 50AMP hookups respectively, e.g.:

    RV site (30AMP hookups): RV 1, RV 2, RV 3 etc.
    RV site (50AMP hookups): RV 1, RV 2, RV 3 etc.

    Another option would be creating a separate accommodation type for each accommodation, so you could set desired parameters to them.


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