Accommodation listing showing availability for wrong seasons

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    I have one accommodation that I only want to make available during one season. However, on the website it is showing that it is available all the time.

    1920s Murder Mystery Weekend

    The Boudoir and The Adventurer are correctly showing that there is only availability in October. However The Cottage, which as far as I can tell is set up exactly the same, is showing availability in May.



    Problem solved, although I don’t exactly know how. There was an old rate in the system and for some reason it was picking that up even though that rate was not linked to that accommodation type that I could see.



    Thank you for solving the issue on your own and for sharing your experience!
    You are right, in order to display an accommodation type availability during one certain period, there should be added a season for this period and a season price in Accommodation > Rates. In case there is another season price attached to the accommodation type, this accommodation type will be available for that “another season” dates too.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

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