Above Occupancy – Essential for a Campsite Plugin

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    I’m looking at switching from Hbook to your plugin but Hbook has an ‘over occupancy’ feature which lets you charge a specific amount for Adult or child above the normal rate.

    I can get around it by adding it as a service but can only charge for one additional adult or child.

    When selling tent/caravan pitches it’s difficult to specify the number of adults or children but we have to set an amount to ensure the facilities are paid for appropriately, adding a ‘Normal Occupancy’ with the option to charge for additional up to a maximum would be a good move for a campsite system.


    Hi Andy,

    Thank you for your question. Since latest update of Hotel Booking plugin we have added option to indicate custom amount for Service. So you may use it to indicate number of extra guests.

    Or you may add a max capacity for your accommodation type and add variable pricing for each capacity variation by editing rate.

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    I’m solving the issue with variable pricing at the moment and had thought of using the service system but unless I can charge per day (currently only Per Accom and Per Guest) on “Guest Choice” that wouldn’t work.

    I’d like to add a service for “Additional Guests per night – £5” and allow customers to select the number of additional guests, which would then be charged per night.

    I also think it would be a good idea to allow editing of the terms used in the booking form. Would be good to replace the words ‘Instance’ and ‘time(s)’ with our own words


    Hi Andy,

    Unfortunately it is not possible to use Guest Choice + Per Day periodicity within a service. You may add service for each new guest or use variable pricing increasing capacity parameter of a room type.

    It is possible to edit plugin translations in order to change terms, strings, etc. You may use Loco Translate or Poedit for this. Just add translation for the language used at your WordPress settings.

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    What is the filter for calculating total booking price as we could just grab the days and multiply the guest choice value by the number of days and pass back in the returned number via the filter could we not?



    I too am building a camping website and this is a crucial feature. Agreed.


    Hi Dan,

    Unfortunately, there is no option to override the calculation of the total price with filter. Thanks for your feedback.


    I also need this feature
    Can this be adjusted or a workaround suggested?


    Hello Thomas,

    Unfortunately, there are no available options to achieve this, other than suggested by J. Davis above.



    I have identified a workaround to getting this working.
    If we use the guest choice, per accommodation service type, we can then modify the plugin code and add a second input field to the checkout page (checkout-view.php) and collect the guest choice there, then we can extract the number of days with the below

    DateUtils::calcNights($booking->getCheckInDate(), $booking->getCheckOutDate())

    We can then multiply the guest choice from out new input field with the number of nights, then pass this number to the default field but hide it from the user so this happens in the background.

    Unfortunately I do not have much php experience, so have not yet figured out how to pass a variable from one input field to another when the submit button is pressed, I understand this is likely posted to an associative array where it is processed elsewhere via javascript, but have not gotten much further.

    Is anyone more capable who can shed more light? I would prefer to only have to edit the checkout-view.php file and not have to change the javascript.
    Tom Hallwright

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